Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Tape Recorder JVC Jadul

Tape merk JVC ini adalah tape "tahan banting" pada jamannya karena performannya yang bandel. Produksi tahun 80 an dengan teknologi mono, dual voltage 110/220V atau dengan batere tipe gede.

Ketika saya coba dengan menancapkan ke sumber listrik 220V, dan menekan tombol play, ternyata rotor pemutar kaset tidak bisa berputar lagi kendati ada terasa desisan motor dari dalam (mungkin belt transmisinya sudah putus/aus) tapi tombol-tombol dan ketiga pengatur suara (volume, treble,bass) juga lampu indicator untuk check power masih berfungsi.

Dari desisan speakernya (suara kresek-kresek) menandakan tape berumur 25-30 tahun ini masih bisa "dihidupkan" lagi.

Old Tape Recorder

This JVC branded old tape was resilient tape in its time with a high persist on performance. The production of 80s with the monosound technology, this old thing is dual voltage 110/220V or with large type battery (D type).

When I try to plug into 220V power source, and press the play button, the player can not turn the tape anymore but there was a hissing sound from the motor inside (transmission belt may have been broken / worn out) but the mechanism buttons and the three sound controler for volume, treble, and bass are ok as well as light indicator to check the power is still functioning very well.

A hiss-noisy speaker indicates that this 25-30 year-old tape recorder can still be "turned on" again with a touch of handyman.

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